Andy Anselmo Performing Arts Center at Canterbury Woods

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From Drama Theatres to Recital Halls to Multipurpose Performing Arts Centers, we have long been intrigued by the way performing arts buildings shape the perception and appreciation of theatre, dance, and music. We collaborate closely with stakeholders and performers to shape these dynamic spaces in each new project we engage.

Our newest performance space, the Andy Anselmo Performing Arts Center at Canterbury Woods, is scheduled to open this spring in Williamsville, New York, catering to the needs of Canterbury Woods and the surrounding community. The theater will be a multi-purpose rehearsal and performance space capable of accommodating 250 patrons. The venue will serve a range of performances including concerts, live shows, lecture series, movies, and more. The raised stage, gently sloping floors, and fan-shaped seating arrangement thoughtfully balance clear sightlines, acoustical intimacy, and accessibility.

Just as the theater’s namesake, Andy Anselmo, has delighted audiences for decades, the Canterbury Woods theater will entertain and embrace the community for years to come.

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